Friday 7 January 2011

Task 5

Ugh, i wake up in my dorm with my best mates foot in my face, i grunt at him to get off and roll out of bed, searching for a rizla i feebly roll myself a ciggarette and pop outside to smoke. Im loving life at uni, my social life has always been my first priority and im thriving in the uni enviroment, although as a group me and my mates dont have much do live off, we get by with smoking rolling tobacco and drinking cheap lager and we still have a good time. Music is a massive part of my life and me and my roomate scrimped and saved to buy a pair of second hand technics, they are one of the most reliable and prestigious brands in the turntable business and all our mates are jealous, we stayed up late last night mixing our new vinyls and producing a new tune on a programme called 'Reason' that i managed to download of the internet, its tricky but im excited to see what sort of Dubstep tune i can create and mabye even play at a party or rave.

I try to do my work as best i can and i scrape by but my real passions lie in music, fashion and having the craziest experiences i can. As my rolly cinders out, i flick it down the drain as my Blackberry starts beeping, i insisted to my mum that i'd need a blackberry because of the free messenger you get with them, i would definitley be needing that to keep in efficient contact with my mates and to sort out nights out. I pick up and its my mate dave, we call him Dave da Raver because he always takes things to the absolute max on a night out. He tells me hes heard about a rave tonight at an abandoned warehouse in the city, i start using my Blackberry to inform the group that ill be driving there and everyone should hop in. My cars is a banged up Peugout 106 because thats all i can afford but we have all grown fond of the car as it has soldiered through so many messy nights its earnt the nickname 'old reliable' by the crew, Obvouisly i splashed a lot of my savings on my speakers and sub because you NEED loud bass in your car, its a must for us. Although me and my mates try the best we can to get to a rave, they are hard to find out about and word of mouth is usually relied on as well as posters so sometimes our nights end in dissapointment, Free partys and Raves are so unforgettably enjoyable that we make the effort anyway, it would be nice to have a solid source of information though.

Some people look down on my and my friends because we dont strive to acheive the best grades and scrape by, but we dont care because were aspiring to acheive the best experiences we can in life and we definitley do a lot better in that field than most people, if you've got a group of mates, some banging music, the right clothes and a girl, life couldnt be better. 

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